Pure Kids A/S was founded in 2004.
In the beginning the main brand was Phister & Philina.
Phister & Philina is a Danish children’s wear brand focusing on clothes and shoes. The universe is all about quirky and colourfull designs in carefully chosen materials that meet quality-conscious consumers need. The brand experienced rapid growth and quickly expanded to most of Europe.
In 2012 Racoon Outdoor was created as a brand under the Pure Kids family. Racoon Outdoor is a Danish children wear brand focusing on outdoor clothes and accessories. The brand is known for its superb quality, full functionality and sustainability. Combining energetic design and attention to detail, Racoon Outdoor is synonymous with happiness, play, comfort and messy hair and red cheeks. Racoon Outdoor is currently present in Denmark, Germany, UK and Scandinavia.
In 2020 Pure Kids changed ownership and became part of DENA group of companies. The vision and the ambitions for the two brands are clear. We want to become an even stronger global player in the children clothes segment by focusing on new online channels and expanding to new markets without compromising on our core values. The high quality, a strong focus on sustainability and always having the children as our main focus in everyting we do, will be key in taking the brands even further.