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In Pure Kids, we want an open corporate culture where everyone can report suspicions of irregularities or conditions that are contrary to the law. These violations usually have to be reported to the immediate manager, but for reasons of loyalty it can be difficult to proceed with information or suspicion of e.g. behavior of other employees.


Pure Kids has established a so-called ´whistleblower scheme´, which gives employees, external partners, members of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors and stakeholders the opportunity to make a report completely anonymous if there is a suspicion of irregularities or conditions in Pure Kids that are in conflict with the legislation.


To ensure anonymous electronic reporting, the whistleblower system is hosted by an external IT provider and is independent of all other systems in Pure Kids. The system ensures i.a. address washing of IP addresses as well as the possibility of ongoing anonymous communication via pin code login.


All inquiries are treated confidentially and securely. Pure Kids guarantees that it will not have negative consequences for either employees or the relationship with outsiders who have reported in good faith actual or suspected offenses. The scheme ensures that all reports are treated seriously and appropriately by a special whistleblower unit in Pure Kids.


The whistleblower unit assesses whether the report falls within the scope of the whistleblower scheme and then determines appropriate measures and whether there is a need for further investigation of the matters to which the report relates. Your report will be processed as soon as possible.

    Contact information:


    ©Pure Kids A/S | Blokken 81 | DK - 3460 Birkerød | Denmark | +45 4911 0000 | | CVR: 41399325


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